The Date, our product par excellence and symbol of quality and tradition

The date is a fruit obtained from the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera). It is believed to have appeared around the Persian Gulf and was cultivated, probably for more than 4000 years, in both Mesopotamia and prehistoric Egypt.
The word date comes from the greek "finger" dáktulos, due to its elongated shape.

The dates are cylindrical-oval, 3 to 7 cm. long and 2 to 3 cm. in diameter, and when not yet ripe their color ranges from bright red to bright yellow, depending on the variety. They contain a single seed 2 to 2.5 cm. long and 6 to 8 mm. thick.
This fruit is not dried but dried in the sun on the same plant and then harvested.

Fruit clusters are harvested from the ground, with short ladders, until the palm trees are 10 to 15 years old and then with ladders or platforms permanently attached to the trunks.

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El dátil, a lo largo de su formación, que viene a ser de unos 5 a 6 meses, atraviesa 4 etapas o edades cuyos nombres son: Kimri, Khalal, Rutab y Tamar.

Se cosecha una pequeña cantidad de dátiles en la etapa "Khalal" (madurez parcial) que son amarillos o rojos (dependiendo del cultivador), pero hay muchos consumidores quienes los consideran astringentes (alto contenido de taninos). La mayoría de los dátiles se cosechan en las etapas de madurez completa "Rutab" y "Tamar", en las que tienen mayores contenidos de azúcares, una menor humedad, un menor contenido de taninos y son más blandos que en la etapa "Khalal".

Los dátiles secos se conservan en lugares frescos y secos durante varios meses, incluso un año. Las variedades blandas en el refrigerador se conservan sobre dos semanas. La humedad relativa óptima de este fruto se halla comprendida entre el 20-25%.

Nutritional value

7 Good reasons to eat dates daily.
Dates are a source of energy for everyone: children, adults and athletes.
Dates are a greater source of fiber than plums, apricots and raisins and promote intestinal transit.
The richness of dates in potassium (718 mg per 100 g) is beneficial to contribute to normal functioning of the nervous system, muscles and maintenance of normal blood pressure.
Dates contain a high concentration of antioxidants and an appreciable vitamin profile that helps to maintain a healthy body.
The richness of dates in magnesium (58 mg per 100 g) helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Dates are a fat-free fruit, so their consumption helps our body to prevent and fight cardiovascular diseases.
The date is a completely natural fruit that does not contain gluten, dyes or sulfites.
Lo último

World recipes with dates, exploring unique flavors

World recipes with dates, exploring unique flavors En un rincón del mundo, bajo el sol ardiente del desierto, los dátiles se mecen suavemente en las palmas de las palmeras datileras. Pero estos dulces frutos no se limita...
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